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Background: Schoolchildren’s personality development is considered a central goal of physical education (PE). With regard to the relationship between psychological well-being and global self-esteem over the life course, the promotion of positive self-esteem is an issue of particular significance. Past research revealed that PE taught with an individualized teacher frame of reference (iTFR) and a reflexive teaching style is associated with positive effects on facets of children’s perceived sports competence. However, it remains an open question whether this teaching styles has the potential to promote positive self-esteem.

Purpose: The present study investigated whether a five-month teacher training, aimed to enhance the teachers’ iTFR and their reflexive teaching style in PE, has a positive effect on students’ perceived sports competence and their global self-esteem. To analyse the implementation quality, changes in students’ perceived iTFR and perceived reflexive teaching style were investigated.

Method: A total of 21 teachers were assigned to either an intervention group (n?=?13), receiving the five-month teacher training, or a control group (n?=?8) consisting of regular teaching without teacher training. The teacher training encompassed five three-hour consecutive sessions during which the teachers acquired theoretical and practical knowledge about the promotion of competence perceptions in PE with a reflexive teaching style and an iTFR. Between the sessions, the teachers were instructed to implement an iTFR and a reflexive teaching style into their own PE classes. To evaluate the effects of the teacher training, their students’ (N?=?315, 53.7% girls, Mage?=?13.2 y, SDage?=?1.3 y) perceived teaching style (iTFR and reflexive teaching), perceived sports competence and global self-esteem were measured with paper-pencil questionnaires at three measurement points (pre, post and follow-up).

Findings: Linear mixed effect models showed that students of the intervention group reported an increase in their teachers’ reflexive teaching style, but there were no changes with regard to iTFR. With regard to students’ perceived sports competence and global self-esteem, there were significant interaction effects between time and group over a period of eight months (from pre-test to follow-up), indicating positive effects on these self-concept dimensions due to the teacher training.

Conclusion: The present study indicates that a long-term teacher training supports PE teachers to implement teaching styles with the aim to promote students’ self-concept. Furthermore, the findings lead to the assumption that a more pronounced iTFR in combination with an enhanced reflexive teaching style has the potential to positively influence schoolchildren’s perceived sports competence and global self-esteem.  相似文献   
Continued advancement in the field of physical activity and health promotion relies heavily on the synthesis of rigorous scientific evidence. As such, systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials have led to a better understanding of which intervention strategies are superior (i.e., produce the greatest effects) in physical activity-based health behavior change interventions. Indeed, standard meta-analytic approaches have allowed researchers in the field to synthesize relevant experimental evidence using pairwise procedures that produce reliable estimates of the homogeneity, magnitude, and potential biases in the observed effects. However, pairwise meta-analytic procedures are only capable to discerning differences in effects between a select intervention strategy and a select comparison or control condition. In order to maximize the impact of physical activity interventions on health-related outcomes, it is necessary to establish evidence concerning the comparative efficacy of all relevant physical activity intervention strategies. The development of network meta-analysis (NMA)—most commonly used in medical-based clinical trials—has allowed for the quantification of indirect comparisons, even in the absence of direct, head-to-head trials. Thus, it stands to reason that NMA can be applied in physical activity and health promotion research to identify the best intervention strategies. Given that this analysis technique is novel and largely unexplored in the field of physical activity and health promotion, care must be taken in its application to ensure reliable estimates and discernment of the effect sizes among interventions. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to comment on the potential application and importance of NMA in the field of physical activity and health promotion, describe how to properly and effectively apply this technique, and suggest important considerations for its appropriate application in this field. In this paper, overviews of the foundations of NMA and commonly used approaches for conducting NMA are provided, followed by assumptions related to NMA, opportunities and challenges in NMA, and a step-by-step example of developing and conducting an NMA.  相似文献   
在校大学生作为消费日趋独立,个体意志日益成熟,对新事物新形态接受能力较强的体育消费群体,是现在和未来支撑体育消费市场的重要群体,具有一定的代表性和前瞻性。通过对安徽省全日制本科院校在校大学生体育消费水平、体育消费支出比重、体育消费方式及体育消费满意度等现状进行调查分析,有助于对经济新常态背景下安徽省体育消费市场现状进行分析并提供有效的发展建议。本文通过问卷调查,对数据整理分析,结合安徽省体育消费市场现状,提出应提高消费水平、优化消费结构、加快互联网经济建设等建议。  相似文献   
陈鹏 《当代体育科技》2020,(11):123-124
在我国校园足球改革背景下,高校对足球教学的重视程度越来越高。但是值得注意的是,现阶段我国部分高校对足球文化的内涵的了解仍旧停留在较为肤浅的层面,并没有充分认识到足球文化构建的重要作用,足球文化构建过程中还存在着较多的不足,足球文化构建效果并不理想,不利于高校足球教学工作的开展。本文从校园足球文化的概述入手,对校园足球改革背景下高校足球文化的内涵进行了深入的分析,并提出了几点校园足球改革背景下高校足球文化构建策略,以期能够为高校提供些许参考。  相似文献   
当前,我国社会市场对人才的要求越来越多,而在众多要求中团队精神已经成为学生学习、求职、从事行业工作必备的条件。中职生是一群特殊的群体,其专业学习具有很强的职业性与目的性,在为中职生开展的体育教学中培养学生的团队意识非常重要。本文结合笔者多年的工作实践,探讨中职体育教学培养学生团队意识的策略,以供参考。  相似文献   
本文基于当前高中学生体质健康测试水平状况及阳光体育活动开展情况而言,设计并建立了阳光体育活动结合学生体质健康测试项目的实践体系。从实际情况出发,将课堂的理论教学和身体素质的实践运用相结合,充分利用课外实践活动加强身体素质的锻炼,并配套展开专项的素质训练,对学生素质测试中存在较多不足的项目进行完善和创新,以期能够更好地锻炼学生的身体素质。  相似文献   
足球比赛负荷是球员在比赛情景下完成各类动作所承受的物理、生理和心理等方面刺激之和。比赛负荷的量化结构分为外部和内部负荷,外部负荷的量化方法包括人工视频分析技术、自动轨迹追踪技术和全球定位设备,通过球员体能或技术表现的负荷量和强度来评定足球比赛中的行为活动特点,外部负荷特征表现为间歇性运动下频繁变向和短距离变速跑,高比例的中低强度无球跑穿插较少的高强度带球跑。内部负荷的量化方法包括耗氧量、心率和血乳酸等指标的测定,通过上述指标的变化幅度来评定足球比赛中的能量代谢水平;内部负荷特征表现为有氧供能为主、无氧磷酸原和糖酵解供能交替进行。现有研究局限为外部负荷低估了变向运动对足球比赛负荷的影响,内部负荷无法概括正式比赛的供能特征等。未来可尝试在优化量化方法基础上结合内外负荷,从而更精准地量化比赛负荷。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等,选取江苏省具有代表性的城区(南京、苏州、徐州) 参与太极拳习练的老年群体为调查对象,对其人口学指标、习练行为、健康状况等进行研究,揭示老年人习练太极拳的行为特征及其对健康的影响,发挥太极拳在改善老年人健康、实现健康老龄化中的功能与价值。 ①在习练行为特征上,90.3%的老年人每周习练频次为3次及以上,82.4%的老年人每次习练时长在30min及以上;学习途径和习练方式都以“群体组织”形式为主;习练套路以24式为主;②在健康状况自评上,参与太极拳习练的老年人85.8%对健康状况满意,且练习太极拳对改善老年人健康状况具有“全面性”特征;③在影响习练太极拳老年人健康评价的因素上,教育程度、收入满意度和每次习练时长、习练方式,以及掌握习练要领的数量等因素显著影响参与太极拳习练的老年人对自身健康的评价,且与评价结果具有正相关性。  相似文献   
运用双框架模型对中美竞技体育国际竞争力进行比较研究。认为:①从显现性框架分析,美国竞技体育国际竞争力一直稳定处于高位,而中国则呈现以2008年为峰顶的倒“U”型发展特征,且与美国还存在一定差距;②从解释性框架分析,美国竞技体育国际竞争力已趋于顶峰,而中国稳步提升;③中国竞技体育发展潜力巨大,但短时间内难以赶超美国;④“举国体制”有利于中国竞技体育显现性竞争力的提升,但与美国社会办竞技体育的发展模式相比,市场、社会在竞技体育发展中的作用发挥不足,不利于高经济性项目、高欣赏性项目的发展;⑤坚持“举国体制”、承办2022年冬奥会有利于中国竞技体育显现性竞争力的提升和冬季项目的发展,但同样存在竞技体育项目布局转型的困难和群众体育基础薄弱的困境。  相似文献   
双向飞碟射击项目中3号靶位是8个靶位中射击命中难度最大的靶位,是制约运动员整体命中率的关键所在。将双向飞碟双靶分为1靶击发、随靶、2靶击发3个阶段,对3名国内优秀运动员击发节奏特征进行分析。发现:①1靶击发阶段的节奏直接影响2靶中靶情况,1靶击发用时越长,2靶质量越差,想要提高2靶的命中率必须要提高1靶的动作质量。②随靶阶段的人枪结合能力会影响2靶命中率。③优秀运动员2靶击发阶段的时间节奏一致性较强,动作自动化程度较高。④整体击发节奏慢更易造成2靶脱靶。提出,运动员要提高打好1靶的能力,在保证1靶质量的前提下加强快打技术训练,同时提高随靶阶段人枪结合能力,加强对技术的监控和分析,辅助运动训练,科学提高成绩。  相似文献   
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